I am a keener when it comes to spending time with Gem. I don't consider myself a fair-weather rider; I go out to the barn if it's hot, humid, raining, snowing, cold. Perhaps it's because I only see him twice a week, three if I am lucky. The amount of time I will be spending with him will increase in a few years, but with my current family obligations and work, along with social activities, twice a week at the barn is what I can manage and still maintain a sane balance to my life.
Yes, I admit that I look with
envy at some of the riders that I started out with who have increased their
riding skills and confidence in leaps and bounds, to the point where all of
them can go out on the trails confidently and ALONE. I have to remind myself that these riders are at the barn 4-6
times a week. It is going to take a bit longer for me to
catch up. :-)
The week of January 14th brought some weird precipitation activity; snow, freezing rain, slushy snow with temperatures
around the +2C to -5C mark. Sunday
before last, we ended up riding in the arena because the trails were very icy. By the time we finished up, warmer temperatures had created a very thick fog, rising off the fields of deep snow, and I was very nervous coming
back from the barn. Visibility was
probably only 5 car lengths ahead at times.
Making a left turn was nerve-racking due to the lack of visibility of
oncoming traffic. I crossed my fingers
as I pulled out......
I did manage to ride in the
arena last Friday. DH's Mom and a couple
of other boarders braved the -10C temps after work to practice side passing over a pole. I am still having issues with my one-handed
steering and with relaxing the tension on the reins. Another exercise we did was riding with our eyes
closed. I know! Sort of scary. You start at one end of the arena and walk
down the middle to the other end, with your eyes closed. You are not allowed to steer. It really makes you aware of how balanced you are in
the saddle and the goal is to walk or jog a straight line. We took turns. Gem and I excelled at this! :-)
On Sunday, it snowed, and snowed. Road conditions were bad (they closed
portions of Hwy 401), so instead of going to the barn, I snuggled on the couch
in front of the TV with my dogs. Monday brought us the deep freeze. With a high of -18C on Tuesday, our lesson
was cancelled.
I considered going out to
the barn on Tuesday in spite of the lesson being cancelled. I thought I would just give Gem a little
groom and visit. But, as I left the office and walked across
the parking lot, the skin on my legs started to freeze through my pants and I
lost the feeling in my gloved fingertips.
I could hardly breath. I am a
keener, but.....! I reconsidered and went
home and snuggled on the couch with the dogs....again.
Hope you are getting time
with your horses in spite of winter. Stay
warm and have a great weekend!!